Green, all the way
Rolco - Christeyns strives for a cleaner world. We take our environmental responsibilities very seriously, throughout the entire lifecycle of our products, from raw materials and the production process to packaging and delivery.
Zero wastewater
Our Safety and Environment Management System guarantees a continuous evaluation and improvement in terms of environmental issues. We minimize emissions, effluents and waste caused by our operations and dispose of waste through safe and responsible methods.
Sustainable alternatives
Our Research & Development department is constantly searching for sustainable and eco-friendlier raw materials and formulations, trying to find the perfect balance between quality, effectiveness and sustainability. We have developed phosphate-, perborate- and NTA-free end products and also obtained environmental certifications such as the EU Ecolabel and Nordic Swan.
Less waste, more profit. Also for you
Our commitment stretches to your facilities. Rolco - Christeyns helps you reduce your ecological footprint thanks to our premium dosing equipment and MIS, water & energy audits, personalized advice as well as training.