Quality and Environmental Policy

Quality and Environmental Policy

Rolco Christeyns provides an array of products and services to companies and professionals who are involved with professional textile care, food processing hygiene, professional cleaning and hygiene solutions for the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.

Our core values and aspirations are to provide high quality products and services, to satisfy our customers’ needs, to be environmentally responsible and to respect the environment.

To ensure that we are successful in achieving the aforementioned values and aspirations, and in an effort to continually improve our operations, we have developed and implemented an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System applied to the entirety of our company's activities in accordance with the principles of EN ISO 9001: 2015 and EN ISO 14001: 2015 respectively.

Through the implementation of the Integrated Management System, as well as appropriate regulatory requirements, Rolco Christeyns’ Management has identified the threats and opportunities which can have an impact on how the company operates as it relates to its effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental impact, and as such it commits to:

  • Understanding the needs and expectations of its customers and all relevant stakeholder.
  • Being responsive to its customers’ needs and adhering to the commitments made to said customers, as described in relevant agreements and contracts.
  • Complying fully with all applicable legal and statutory requirements, as they relate to its operation and to the environment.
  • The continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System.
  • Protecting the environment and preventing pollution.
  • The trade of environmentally friendly products.
  • Setting quality and environmental objectives.
  • Using natural and energy resources in a non-wasteful manner.
  • Recognizing the environmental aspects of its activities, identifying those that may have significant environmental impact and taking all necessary measures to prevent them.

Rolco-Christeyns supports and promotes the continuous training of all employees, who in turn by applying the Integrated Management System in their everyday work contribute to the improvement of their work, the efficiency of the System itself, the non-wasteful use company resources, and the protection of the environment.

The company’s Management is committed to the provision of the required resources for the implementation and efficient operation of the Integrated Management System.

The Integrated Management System is reviewed at regular intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness; it is modified whenever necessary and consequently the staff is notified.

Download the ISO Certificates here:
EN ISO 9001 : 2015
EN ISO 14001 : 2015